QMedCourses: Instructions for Individuals

Before you register:

Please visit our login page and check the contents under “Sign Up”. If your institution does not have access to QMedCourses, you need to register as an individual. Please read the contents of this page carefully and complete your registration.

Please add support@qmed.ngo to your address book in your email account. This prevents emails that we send to you from going to your spam folder.

When you register, do ensure the following:

  • Your Password:

    Must have minimum 8 characters.

    Include at least - 1 digit(s), 1 lower case letter(s), 1 upper case letter(s), 1 non-alphanumeric character(s) such as as *, -, or #

  • Your name:

    Enter with first letter in Capital – for your first name and last name. Eg - Preeti Shah (Do not write it as preeti shah or PREETI SHAH).

    Do NOT include a salutation (example – Dr)

  • City & Country:

    Please ensure that you fill in the city & country where you are now studying/working (Not your hometown)

  • Your mobile no:

    Please provide this It makes it easier for us to contact you, if we have to help you with anything.

    Your number is safe with us

Confirming your registration:

You will receive an email from support@qmed.ngo. Please check BOTH - Your inbox AND spam folder for this email

Click the link in the mail to confirm.

In case you do not see the email in either folder within half hour, please write to support@qmed.ngo and copy / paste these contents:

In the Subject line of your email, please enter:

Help confirm my registration to QMedCourses

In the body of the email, please enter:

I have registered on your site and I have not received the email with the link. I have checked my inbox and spam folders. Please help with confirming the registration

Accessing QMedCourses:

You now get access to the courses that are marked "Free". For the other courses you need an enrolment key. If you wish to access these, we request a donation to support our courses. Once you donate we will activate access to all courses at the earliest.

(On working days this could be within an hour. If you donate on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays you might have to wait till the next working day)

Giving your donation

Please visit our donation page. Choose the Danamojo option if you are an Indian citizen. Choose GlobalGiving if you are a citizen of any other country.

Read the instructions for each, carefully

Indian citizens - when you donate, please note:

You will need to provide your name, email id, mobile no, address, city, country, nationality and PAN no.