• QMedCourses: Enhancing research quality with structured literature searching and referencing.

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    • Suggested time table - Spend only 15 minutes a day and finish all courses in around 40 days. Learn more

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FREE (75 mins). 

This course is a primer about Information Resources and Searching Online. It is to just introduce you to the first steps in searching - and targetted at UG students. However many have found these basics very useful and so this is highly recommended. In this course, learn all about different medical resources and the correct methods of searching. If you wish to learn about PubMed in full detail and about elaborate searching for Systematic Reviews, you need to enrol for all courses on this site. 

FREE (45 mins) When you author a publication it is important to cite and reference correctly. Learn these nuances in this introductory course. You will also learn what a Reference Manager is - a tool to automate referencing work.

120 mins (Optional - additional 105 mins) What exactly is PubMed? How does one make a search more meaningful? How does one search PubMed to get all results, for doing a systematic review / meta-analysis? This course clarifies all doubts and takes you through a thorough step by step process of mastering PubMed.

(120 mins) Struggling with adding citations / bibliography to your article? Forgot where you stored pdfs and PubMed results that you wanted to cite? Learn to use a reference manager. No more laborious typing / editing. Reference Managers allow us to save hours of time and concentrate on the actual documentation of your research / article!

(130 minutes) Zotero is a free reference management software. Our site has a detailed tutorial about a similar software - Mendeley. Reference Managers allow us to save hours of time and concentrate on the actual documentation of your research / article, instead of spending hours making our citations and bibliography accurate.

(120 mins) Authoring systematic reviews is a tough job. One of the several things to do is to create a very detailed search strategy. It is important to choose the best MeSH terms and text words, use Boolean operators carefully, run the search carefully and document it in such a way that it can be reproduced in the future. It is also important to run and document it in a way that it can be reviewed carefully. This course teaches all these components. Some of the lessons have been covered in Course I and in Course III – (Mastering PubMed), and have been indicated at appropriate points. Depending on how confident you are about those topics, please choose to skip or view the specific videos

You could learn all that you can about searching to author a systematic review, or you could learn enough to communicate with an Information Specialist who will carry out the search for your review

We present a collection of resources useful for searching the health sciences literature and writing and reporting of research.

Some resources are created by QMed, others are mostly well known resources available online.

In the Extra Reading section, we have a compilation of topics, for which we have links to articles in PubMed. We've added three hyperlinks to each topic, each of which retrieves PubMed results based on the search strategies we used. The first searches for resources related to Indian research. The second retrieves free articles, while the third locates non-free but still important articles.